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The New Providence Democrats are excited to support Kathleen Dolan and Alan Lerner for the New Providence Borough Council. Both candidates bring a wealth of experience and dedication that speaks volumes about their commitment to our community.

Chairman Harry Clewell expressed enthusiasm for their candidacy, stating, “We are excited to support Kathleen and Alan because their diverse backgrounds, professional expertise, and shared vision of inclusivity and progress make them the voices all residents need. We are confident that they will carry our community towards a brighter, more vibrant, and equitable future without compromising our cherished local charm.”

Kathleen Dolan is excited to launch her second campaign for a seat on the New Providence Borough Council with her running mate, Alan Lerner. Her 34-year history as a resident and community volunteer, as well as her career and leadership positions in the pharmaceutical industry and her strong motivation to bring balance to our local government, make her an ideal candidate for this important role. She and her husband, Ted Pellas, raised their three children, Caitlin, Alex, and Conor Pellas, in New Providence and plan to spend their retirement years in this community. 

“Ted and I have deep roots here and we want to stay here, but the “we’ve always done it this way” attitude in our local government has held our town and its residents back from implementing new ideas and services that are needed to support a more affordable, welcoming, and forward-looking future in New Providence for everyone. I will work hard to represent all our citizens and take the necessary steps to acknowledge and implement the changes we need to make without losing what makes our town so special.”

Alan is a small business owner, a family man, and is deeply engaged in the Pioneer community.  He has dedicated himself to serving the Borough through volunteerism, community activism, and as an active member of the Allen W. Roberts PTA. Alan owns a small real estate brokerage firm in Brooklyn, has worked in real estate for over 15 years, and is also locally employed as a realtor with Weichert. Alan started his career owning and operating a private personal training and fitness consulting firm and has garnered a wealth of managerial and business accolades. Alan wears many hats in the community, but none more so his favorite than father to his 6-year-old daughter (currently in Kindergarten at AWR) and husband to his amazing wife Anna, who he has been with for 24 years. Alan volunteers in the classroom, sponsors PTA events and fundraisers, and is an ever-present force in his daughter's life. 

“My family & I love this town and plan to be here for generations. I wasn't born here, nor did I grow up here, but I do plan on dying here - let's just hope later rather than sooner!  Loving this town is not enough. Serving the best interests of all of New Providence's amazing residents is the reason I'm running. That means not being complacent with the status quo. I know together, with some new blood on the council, we will ultimately make New Providence an even better town than it already is.”

Those interested in learning more about Kathleen and Alan can attend their Campaign Kickoff on Thursday, April 11, 2024, at the William Paca Club, 1 William Paca Way, New Providence NJ 07974. Doors open at 6:30 p.m.

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